Dark Brown Jennet
DOB: 12/27/20 @ 11:22 pm
Birth Height: 22¼" ~ Birth Weight: 23.0 lbs
MDR #71175
Microchip ID#on file
Sire: H. R. Half Ass Acres Zhivago, 30¾" Black, NLP
Grand Sire: H. R. Freedom, 29 ½" Black/NLP
Grand Dam: H. R. Stella, 32¾" Black w/Small Star
Dam: Braeth0rn Ramblin' Rose, 32" Dark Red
Grand Sire: Sunset Acres Irish Rambler, 33" Red
RoseWood Chloever at Braethorn, 32½" Red
Click MDR sign for
Penny's pedigree!
Rosie went into labor in the evening of 12/27/20. We knew she was in trouble when nothing was happening after much rolling and getting up/down. Joe checked and the foal was presenting with the nose only. Joe pushed the foal back inside and found each front leg that was folded back and straightened them out one at a time and then helped deliver the baby safely.
This was Rosie's first foal and she took to motherhood like a duck takes to water.
We were not able to video the birth as we both were busy with all hands.
Thank you to my sister, Lynn, for coming up with this adorable name. Since Joe saved her life we think it is very appropriate.
This beautiful girl will be offered to our customers that have deposits with us first. If they pass on her we will post her on our for sale page for the public's consideration and we will notify everyone on our waiting list.
First Day Outside